Hi everyone! Our Welcoming Period (Nolleperioden) approaches. That means another year of fun and friendship for the new students on…
At 14:00 on THIS SATURDAY 07/09 the Student union will be holding an event for every new student to meet…
Studenternas Dag is going to take place on September 9th in Forumsalen at 14:00! The subsections will be starting there…
Hey everyone! Hope you’ve all had a great summer vacation. Exciting times ahead as our Welcoming Period (Nolleperioden) approaches! Learn…
When the ice melts during spring, who knows what the unfrozen tide will bring? Well, WE DO! Skellefteälven is no…
The 29th January 2023 we’ll be traveling to Åre for five days of skiing, party and fun!The means of travel…
It’s finally time for the annual Halloween Party at Campus! 2022! This year, our theme will be… Movies! So don’t…
On the third of september, this saturday, Campusdagen will take place in Arenan (next to Forumsalen) at 14:00! It’s a…
Den nuvarande pandemin gör det svårt för folk att ta sig ut. För att minska smittorisken kommer STOCK vara stängt från och med måndag den 23 mars. Det betyder att Utbildningssamordnaren inte kommer inte vara på STOCK under en tid framöver, men kan kontaktas alla dagar i veckan antingen på Facebook eller via ubs@studentforeningen.se.